El viaje de Obama a América Latina

Está claro que América Latina no es un solo país. Asimismo, a Estados Unidos no le ha quedado otra opción que muchas veces mirar la región como una misma masa de países. Porque si bien los que siguen “gritando contra el imperio” son cada vez menos, los que callan ante esos gritos son cada vez más. Nadie se atreve, en la región, a frenar la ola de discursos vacíos de mea culpa.

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Obama’s lifted limp hand in (non)solidarity

It was a cringingly awkward moment. After their press conference, Cuban President Raul Castro clumsily grabbed Obama’s arm and attempted to lift it into the classic raised fist of revolutionary struggle. Embedded in the viral image is the difference between what each leader needed to get and convey from the historic visit.

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Guatemala and its comedian president

Jimmy Morales rode a wave of popular awakening and anger to the presidency. Since coming to power, he’s relied on a dubious group of advisors and the same corrupt tactics of his predecessors.

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Bids to extend term limits fall short in Bolivia and Ecuador

Morales and Correa remain in power and maintain strong popular support, but their miscalculations have created the best chances yet of opening space for political competition in both countries. It presents an opportunity for political oppositions to rise to the occasion with policy proposals that reestablish checks and balances and strengthen independent institutions. Although the tide is turning against populist authoritarian regimes in Latin America, much remains to be done to restore democratic governance.

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The (Re)discovery of Venezuela

In 16 years Venezuela has fallen from being a model for the anti-globalization movement to an example for doomsday planners, video gamers and screenwriters of post-apocalyptic chaos.

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