Hemisphere Weekly: the Biden transition begins

As the United States presidential transition begins, President-elect Joe Biden has made public his initial selections for his national security team. The cabinet picks fulfill the President-elect’s promise to name a cabinet reflective of American diversity.

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Butterflies still soar in the Latin American feminist movement

As this November 25 passes, the loss of the Mirabal sisters holds a prominent weight that has stood the test of time. These lost sisters, and their iconic symbol of the butterfly, have become woven into the Latin American feminist movement as people honored their cause in the “march of the butterflies” on the anniversary of their deaths.

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El Desafío Multidimensional de Perú – Parte 2: la crisis económica, inseguridad pública, y crimen organizado

Los desafíos de seguridad de Perú varían desde la expansión de la producción de coca, la minería ilegal y las actividades madereras, hasta una amenaza terrorista pequeña pero persistente, un nuevo centro criminal emergente en la frontera trinacional con Brasil y Colombia, y una creciente inseguridad pública en el contexto de la salud y crisis socioeconómica creada por la pandemia COVID-19.

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AMLO’s threat to Latin American democracy

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has defended his silence following the U.S. presidential election based on non-intervention, but his rhetoric highlights a growing transnational notion that no election can necessarily be trusted, a trend that undermines democracy and will be a headwind that the Biden administration must confront as it assumes office.

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El Desafío Multidimensional de Perú – Parte 1: la crisis política

El Congreso peruano está listo para debatir si volverá a intentar acusar al presidente Martín Vizcarra, poco más de un mes después de que sobreviviera a un primer juicio político. Esta vez, un grupo de legisladores acusó al presidente de aceptar un soborno de USD $ 637.000 de dos empresas que luego se adjudicaron contratos públicos durante el mandato de Vizcarra como gobernador de Moquegua.

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